Tech Tips

Wordfence update failed: Could not copy file

If your Wordfence is not updating to newer version properly due to “Could not copy file” error, try deleting the leftover folder “wordfence.tmp” from /path-to-webroot/wp-content/upgrade/wordfence.tmp, then try again.

Tech Tips

Why is Chrome browser not saving my WordPress login

Some WordPress plugins that protect your login page may be the culprit. Try disabling them to see if Chrome prompts to save the login. Don’t forget to re-enable them after you’ve managed to save your password in Chrome.

Tech Tips

How to hide the title of specific post or page in WordPress 3.3

This makes sense especially for article that you’ve made as the static front/home page.

Add the following HTML into the post or page’s code:

.entry-title {display:none;}