Tech Tips

AutoHotkey alternatives for Linux

For those of you looking for AutoHotkey alternatives for Linux, check these out:
  • compiz – OpenGL window and compositing manager
  • autokey – desktop automation utility
  • wmctrl – control an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager
  • setxkbmap – set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension
  • xmodmap – utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappings in X
  • xdotool – simulate X11 keyboard/mouse input
  • xvkbd – software virtual keyboard for X11
  • xbindkeys – a grabbing keys program for X
  • xte – Generates fake input using the XTest extension
  • xmacro – Record/play keystrokes and mouse movements in X displays

What tools do you use? Share your tips…

Dharma Quotes

自在神童3D动画 – 球鞋 – 108自在语

自在神童3D动画 - 球鞋 - 108自在语

Adages of Wisdom

More animations @

Tech Tips

Fix outdated/corrupted EPEL repo metadata

yum update failed in RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) server 5.5 with EPEL repo added:

[root@server ~]# yum update
Loaded plugins: rhnplugin, security
Skipping security plugin, no data
Setting up Update Process
Resolving Dependencies
Skipping security plugin, no data
--> Running transaction check
---> Package cups.x86_64 1:1.3.7-18.el5_5.8 set to be updated
---> Package cups-libs.i386 1:1.3.7-18.el5_5.8 set to be updated
---> Package cups-libs.x86_64 1:1.3.7-18.el5_5.8 set to be updated
---> Package pam.i386 0: set to be updated
---> Package pam.x86_64 0: set to be updated
---> Package pam-devel.i386 0: set to be updated
---> Package pam-devel.x86_64 0: set to be updated
---> Package yum.noarch 0:3.2.22-26.el5_5.1 set to be updated [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Trying other mirror. [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Trying other mirror. [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Trying other mirror. [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Trying other mirror. [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Trying other mirror.
Error: failure: repodata/b205b049dc386d8d09316372f16b4371cef514bb-filelists.sqlite.bz2 from epel: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: package-cleanup --problems
package-cleanup --dupes
rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

Fixed with:

yum clean metadata
yum clean dbcache
yum update
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Dharma Quotes Our Society

引文:善待問者如撞鐘 —— 一段精彩的的宗教對談 (釋淨慧記錄)




鄭仰恩教授 (台灣神學院學術副院長) 回應道:

「聽了昭慧法師的演講,有一種清新的感覺。基督教也有出世與入世的傳統,也面臨出世與入世之間的相互質疑。就緣起論與創造論來對比,西方有人認為創造論講的是 being(存有),緣起論講的是 non being(非存有);前者是講『有』的哲學,後者是論『無』的哲學。」



「佛家並不講 being 與 non being,佛家強調的是『離於有無二邊』的中道。《雜阿含》262經中,闡陀向阿難說到他畏懼「無我」與「空」的教說,阿難引《佛為迦旃延所說經》:『如是正觀世間集者,不生世間無見;如是正觀世間滅者,不生世間有見』,所以如來離於二邊,說於中道。」




「在一般分類中,佛家是屬於自力宗教。但這並不是一個很理想的分類法,因為基督宗教也並非完全不講自力,但是基督教的宗教經驗,一定會講到與『祂者』相遇的經驗,而且這個祂者是個『全然的祂者』(holy other),從這裡來認識自己。請問:佛教有沒有對於 holy other 這樣的宗驗?」




「至於與『祂者』相遇的經驗,在解脫道與菩薩道的正常道,是比較沒有,但是菩薩道中的方便道──念佛法門,把心念全然地繫緣在佛陀,而不是在自己。這種心念的運作機制,與基督教與 holy other 相遇的經驗不完全相同。原因是,即使念佛念到於定中見到佛陀的影像現前,甚至聽到佛陀說話,都依然知道這是『唯心所現』、是『因緣生法』,並非真實的 holy other 現在面前。這就是所謂的『念佛三昧』,它基本上還是自力的。但為何要把佛陀當做念茲在茲的對象?其功用在於無形中的潛移默化,在專注地向佛認同的過程中,逐漸地提升自己;在敬仰佛陀,以佛陀為典範,向佛陀看齊的虔敬心中,以精進力趨向佛道。」

文章出處:善待問者如撞鐘 —— 一段精彩的的宗教對談 (釋淨慧記錄)

Movie Quotes

Sometimes to expect the best from everyone is arrogance

Alexander: Have I become so arrogant that I am blind?

Hephaistion: Sometimes to expect the best from everyone is arrogance.

Alexander: Then it’s true. I have become a tyrant!

Hephaistion: No! But perhaps a stranger. We’ve come too far. They don’t understand you anymore.


Tech Encounters

1-way social media?

Don’t use social media if you don’t want to listen or connect with your target audience. It’ll backfire.

Facebook Fanpage Fail (FFF): HTC Singapore Fans Revolt

Our Society

Christian evangelists take advantage of the poverty, illiteracy and innocence of villagers in India

7 mins 22 secs into the video, Nabbi Ram Singh related his shocking observation:

“Once I was called to a village for some antenna work. When my two friends and I had finished their work, we passed a local church on our way to the car.

There were about 250 poor people waiting to go inside the church. 3 priests, in long white ropes, were ordering these people to step on pictures of different Hindu Gods, which they had placed on the steps of the church. This was to prove that they had renounced the Hindu Gods by converting into Christianity.

Later, it came to my knowledge, that they were also ordered to burn pictures of our Hindu Gods. My friends and I were very shocked, because if you stepped on pictures of Hindu Gods, it’s very difficult to return to the Hindu faith.

Poor people choose to become Christians, because the Church promised them advantages, things that would take the Indian government a long time to deliver, and they promised them healing from all diseases just by coming to the Sunday prayers in the church.”

Found via Fundamentally Wrong.

Dharma Encounters Dharma Quotes Our Society

Agree to Disagree – Conversations on Conversion

Agree to Disagree – Conversations on Conversion

Download e-book @


It is important to Agree to Disagree.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong highlighted the importance of maintaining racial and religious harmony through tolerance and restraint, as well as preserving the common space that all Singaporeans share.

Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng observed that amid the increase in religious proselytisation activities, security concerns are thrown up when “overzealous and self-righteous” followers engage in aggressive and insensitive propagation of their faiths.

Find out how to support Buddhists who are facing proselytism in their workplace, school or even at home, so that they can maintain their stand with compassion and wisdom.

Say “No” compassionately to religious proselytism.

~ View e-book ~

Our Society

Religious Harmony Destroyer — Pastor Rony Tan?

Senior Pastor Rony Tan of Lighthouse Evangelism blasted Buddhism and Taoism at his church sessions, recorded them on video and posted them on the Lighthouse Evangelism’s website.

These offensive video clips were subsequently removed on the church’s website but they had already made their way onto YouTube.

The Government’s Internal Security Department (ISD) hauled up the Christian church leader and told him that what he did was wrong. ISD told him that in proselytising his religion, he must not run down other faiths, and must be mindful of the sensitivities of other religions.

Pastor Tan has apologised after being called up by the ISD.


Pastor’s comments on Buddhism/Taoism inappropriate & unacceptable MHA | ChannelNewsAsia

Pastor called up by ISD | Straits Times

Pastor apologises personally to Buddhist & Taoist federations | ChannelNewsAsia

Call for restraint | Straits Times

DPM Wong says glad to note Pastor Tan realised his mistake | ChannelNewsAsia

Reason pastor not arrested | TODAYonline

Pastor’s apology accepted | Straits Times

What is your reaction to the insensitive remarks made by Pastor Rony Tan? | TODAYonline

S’poreans must not run down or trivialise others’ beliefs: SM Goh | ChannelNewsAsia